JBoss Seam is a web application framework for Java EE 5, developed by JBoss. It uses two proven Java frameworks: EJB3 and JSF, by using these you can easily access any back-end EJB component from the front-end by addressing it by its Seam component name. Seam introduces the concept ofcontexts. Each seam component exists within a context. The conversation context for example captures all actions of a user until he logs out or closes the browser - even multiple uses of the browser back-button. You can automatically generate a CRUD (create-read-update-delete) web application from an existing database using seam-gen, a command line tool. Seam unifies the component models of JSF and EJB3, eliminating glue code, and letting the developer think about the business problem. Seam supports two open source JSF-based AJAX solutions: ICEfaces and Ajax4JSF. These solutions let you add AJAX capability to your user interface without the need to write any JavaScript code. Seam also provides a built-in JavaScript remoting layer for EJB3 components. AJAX clients can easily call server-side components and subscribe to JMS topics, without the need for an intermediate action layer. Neither of these approaches would work well, were it not for Seam's built-in concurrency and state management, which ensures that many concurrent fine-grained, asynchronous AJAX requests are handled safely and efficiently on the server side.
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